Thursday, August 4, 2011


Things are starting to really move and shake! This morning we completed our orientation call with our Adoption Agency - All God's Children. We discussed paperwork, contracts, time lines, process, fees and financial obligations, and finally more paperwork and contracts. We are only at the beginning, and if I spend too much time focusing on the logistics and paperwork, the process can seem daunting.

Within the next 2 months we will be focused on completing the following, bringing us closer to meeting our baby:

1. Homestudy with our Minnesota Homestudy Agency - God's Children (not to be confused with our adoption agency, All God's Children). Our first meeting with our Home Study case worker is this upcoming Monday! We will begin our 6-8 week process of completing an extensive review of our family, our life, our household, and our faith. At the end of the time, we will have compiled a gigantic book of paperwork to be submitted to our agency.

2. Raise $10,000 toward Agency and Homestudy fees. This portion of payment is due between now and October.

3. Complete adoption workbook study, and 10 hours of adoption training. There is a lot to learn, and the learning will continue for years and years.

God continues to bring His truth back to the forefront of my mind: "with man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible" - Matthew 19:26.

As God continues to remind me of this truth over and over, I have to believe that we are going to see God do the impossible in bigger and more extreme ways throughout this journey. I can't wait to watch God reveal Himself in ways we cannot fathom.

Stay tuned for HomeStudy updates - coming very very soon!

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