Our Story

We are a family on a journey, holding on tight to God, as we do our best to follow His story for our lives. It's a journey full of adventure, and is not without it's fair share of ups and downs. But, each part of the journey is a piece to a bigger picture that we are blessed to be a part of.

Our story to adoption started about 8 years ago when we attended a Steven Curtis Chapman concert with our friends.  The Chapman family are big advocates for adoption.  At that concert, Aaron turned to me and said, "I think we will adopt someday."  My response at that time - "no way".  

But then, in 2008, I traveled to Uganda, and the statistics of the coutry's epidemic overwhelmed me. I spent my flight time asking God, "how can we possibly even make a difference". But God reminded me, "you can't, you are just man, but with me, anything is possible" -Matthew 19:26. It is not about me and what I can do, it is about what God can do. I prayed that God would break our family's heart for what breaks His.

It was on the day that I met our sponsor child, Abdala, at an Uganda orphange that my heart was truly broken.  As Abdala understood who I was - a member of the family who pays to feed him, provide him with medical care and schooling, and allows him to stay at the orphanage, he LEPT into my arms and held me with every ounce of his little being.  When I say "lept", I truly mean LEPT.  WOW - there was not a dry eye in the area, including me.  I cannot even write or talk about that moment without filling with tears.  It was a moment that will forever be imprinted in my mind.  A life changed because of $30/month.  This moment broke me forever, and has forever changed my family.  You can read more about that day, here:  http://familykahl.blogspot.com/2008/07/abdalah.html  
and to read more about what God taught me about His people and His hope while in Uganda, you can go here:  http://familykahl.blogspot.com/2008/07/uganda.html

Here we are today as a family who holds a deep rooted compassion for Africa and it's people.  With hearts abandoned, we are "Holding Tight" to the direction God set before us, to make a difference in just one life, bringing our family to 5 - we are adopting!!! 

Will you join us in this journey?  We know we cannot do this alone - we need your prayers.  We would be blessed to have you come alongside us in prayer, as we continue this long journey to bring our precious Ugandan child home to become a Kahl!!!