Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A Piece To The Puzzle

It's a Puzzle!

The significant expense of adoption, is something you have heard us discuss before. Over the course of this process, we will pay $28,000-$31,000 in various expenses. It can be overwhelming to think about. This is a lot of money, however, we know that God has called us to our baby, and so we move ahead fully trusting God's provision. God has been faithful in the first $10,000+, already submitted for phase I, and without doubt, we know He will be faithful for the remainder!!!

The remaining $18,000 - $21,000 certainly seems like a puzzle to us, but we know that it does not leave God puzzled! As we pray about God's direction on funds, we are continually led back to the idea of "The Puzzle".

Thus, we have purchased this 1,000 piece puzzle, and we are "inviting" you to be a piece in the puzzle.
When complete, this puzzle of a sweet African Giraffe Mama kissing her Baby will hang in Baby's room, as a visual reminder of "the village" of people playing a role in baby's adoption story!

Here is how this fundraiser works:

Why a Puzzle? We have been blessed by the love, support, and prayers for baby, before we even know who baby is! We want baby to have a permanent visual reminder of the many that played a role in baby's adoption story. Your names will come together as a visual on the back of the puzzle.

EACH PIECE can be sponsored by YOU! For $10/piece, you can sponsor pieces to build the puzzle. Your name will be written on the back of as many pieces as you/your family sponsors. After you have sponsored a piece/pieces, we will take a picture of your pieces and your name, and send it to you! If you so choose, you can use the picture as a reminder to pray for baby in the months ahead.

TO SPONSOR a piece(s) is easy! Lifesong for Orphans has agreed to receive donations toward our adoption, in order to make them tax deductible for you! At Year End, Lifesong will provide you with a statement for tax purposes. You can submit donations to sponsor pieces in 1 of 2 ways:
1. Send a check to Lifesong for Orphans.
Mail Checks to:
Lifesong for Orphans
Attn: Kahl #2366 Adoption
PO Box 40/202 N Ford St
Gridley, IL 61744

2. Sponsor online via Lifesong's Online "One Time Gift"
Reference: Kahl #2366 Adoption

**NOTE** In both instances, please state a reference to: Kahl#2366 Adoption**

THE PROGRESS will be tracked weekly, along the way. I will continually update the blog with how the puzzle is coming together. When the puzzle is complete, it will be framed in two-sided glass and hung in baby's room as a permanent visual reminder! Can we ask you to prayerfully consider being a piece to the puzzle through a $10 piece sponsorship?

1,000 Pieces Ready

YOUR PRAYERS are most important. We know and understand that not everyone can/or desires to be a piece of the puzzle in a financial way. Your prayer support is most important!!! We will continue to face multitudes of challenges and reasons to praise as we travel this journey. We cannot travel this road alone. Can we ask for your support in prayer? Your prayer support is priceless.

We are unimaginably blessed by so many people have been lifting us up in prayer and encouraging us daily as we go through this journey. It's incredible. We could never do this alone, so THANK YOU!

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