Why Adopt?

Pure and lasting religion in the sight of God our Father means that we must care for orphans and widows in their troubles.  James 1:27

First and foremost, we are adopting because God has led our family to adopt.  God mentions caring for the orphans and widows, continuously throughout the Bible.  They are near and dear to his heart, and He has made them near and dear to our family's hearts as well.

Currently in the world, there are over 147 million orphans.  That statistic is absolutely overwhelming to think about.  How can we even begin to care for all the orphans?  In Matthew 19:26 God says to us, "with man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."  God doesn't want us to solve the problem on our own - He wants us to step out in faith and obedience, and He will pave the way.  God does things out of the box, in His way, beyond what we could imagine or think of on our own.

When Aaron first mentioned adoption to me about 8 years ago, I thought he was crazy.  And then, I went to Uganda in 2008.  God spoke to and broke my heart - God changed my heart forever.  We know we cannot solve the orphan crisis in the world with our own doing, however, we CAN make a difference in one little life, as we step out in obedience as God leads us.

Our family is full of love.  We have love to share and give.  God has filled us with and given us this love.  We have love because He first loved us (1 John 4:19) - purely and unconditionally - compassionately and redeemingly.  We have love to share with a precious baby created by God, and deserving of a family, just like you and me.

And, as we started down this journey toward Ethiopia, and followed God's lead to Uganda, God has been preparing our hearts and giving us love for our newest family member, in which we have not even met yet!  This child belongs as a member of the Kahl family - we can hardly wait!!!