About Uganda

Uganda is an Eastern African country, south of Ethiopia.  The population of Uganda is about 35,000,000 (Projected 52,000,000 by 2015 and 118,000,000 by 2050)

The boundaries created by Britain grouped together a wide range of ethnic groups with different political systems and cultures. This caused a roadblock in the establishment of a working political community in Uganda.

Ugandan Languages include: English (official national language, taught in grade schools, used in courts of law and by most newspapers and some radio broadcasts), Ganda or Luganda (most widely used of the Niger-Congo languages, preferred for native language publications in the capital and may be taught in school), other Niger-Congo languages, Nilo-Saharan languages, Swahili, Arabic

Uganda consists of the following major ethinic groups: Baganda 16.9%, Banyakole 9.5%, Basoga 8.4%, Bakiga 6.9%, Iteso 6.4%, Langi 6.1%, Acholi 4.7%, Bagisu 4.6%, Lugbara 4.2%, Bunyoro 2.7%, other 29.6% (2002 census)

The median age in Uganda is as follows:
total: 15.1 years
male: 15 years
female: 15.1 years (2011 est.)

Number of orphans in Uganda: 2,500,000 = 20% of the child population and 2% of the entire population.

Uganda is a country that has been vastly effected by a significant conflict in the North, now in its second decade.  The conflict, led by Joseph Kony, is a militant armed resistance movement called the Lord Resistance Army.  This conflict is responsible for displacing more than 1.8 million people and abducting more than 60,000 children.

Uganda has one of the highest proportion of children orphaned by HIV/AIDs, worldwide.  It is said that "there is a whole generation of parents missing."

Over 56,000 children under age 5 die each year from nutrition-related causes.

The people are warm, beautiful, and just plain wonderful.  They touched my heart so deeply!!! 

To learn more about the country of Uganda, you can go to the CIA Factbook for Uganda, HERE

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