Wednesday, November 23, 2011

So Much To Be Thankful For

Give thanks to the Lord, call on His name; make known amongthe nations what he has done. ~I Chronicles 16:8

As we step into this Thanksgiving, I feel as though I want to put up a billboard, attempting to accurately reflect the intensity of gratitude pouring from my soul. In the midst of life's trials and challenges that we face everyday - we have more than a billboard's-worth to be thankful for.

It is a true honor and blessing to live each day under the grace and provision of the Giver of Everything! It is because of God's love for us, that we have an opportunity to be filled with His great joy.
  • I am thankful that we are called His children, and that He is our great Father and protector.
  • I am thankful that He is the giver of all things, and that He has chosen to give us so much.
  • I am thankful that He is our Guide, and that He is leading us toward a little Ethiopian blessing.
  • I am thankful that He is All-Knowing, and He knows the perfect direction in the bigger picture, we only need to seek Him for the way.
  • I am thankful for His Compassion, and that He loves us when we are defiant and hard to love.
  • I am thankful He is our Friend, He will never lead us or forsake, and desires an intimate relationship in which we share our hearts and He shares His.
  • I am thankful for His Sacrifice, an unthinkable gift to offer us LIFE ABUNDANT!
It is because of His great sacrifice that we can know Him personally. And though we experience pain and struggles, like everyone, God's rich blessings surpass all that we could imagine.

As you travel this Thanksgiving, picture the Kahl family billboard on the side of the road!

Maybe your family has a billboard as well - what would your billboard say????

Tyler said it best, when he wrote his story of Thanksgiving in his first grade class, at school .

The Kahl Family Billboard Would Read:

"I am thankful for God. Because God gives me everything. Without God I would have nothing."

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