Thursday, November 17, 2011


One of our prayers during this time of waiting, is that God would prepare the hearts and minds of our family, of baby, and of the birth mother/family. I can see God's hand at work as He begins to answer this prayer for our family. Our hearts have been stamped, marked, impressed with love for baby - baby has an imprint on our hearts.

The dictionary defines the word imprint, as:
imprint n [ˈɪmprɪnt]
1. a characteristic mark or indication; stamp the imprint on his face [heart]
vb [ɪmˈprɪnt]
2. to establish firmly; impress; stamp to imprint the details on one's mind [heart]

It was a few weeks ago, that the kids and I started a conversation about my "babies" (as big as they get, they'll always be my babies). During our discussion, I referenced my "2 kids". This did not sit right with T. He quickly responded back to me, "Mom, you have 3 kids." Not completely sure of his 3rd referenced, I asked for clarification. "Mom, you have me, K and THE BABY. The Baby is your kid too". That was a huge moment for me. He already considers the baby as one of us - a Kahl - my 3rd "baby". My heart was swelled with joy and my eyes filled with tears.

Oh, and family pictures - goofy emotions were stirred up with the taking of family pictures, and it surprised me. There was a sense of longing that came with taking pictures as a family of 4. How many family pictures will we take before we are a family of 5?! Baby is imprinted on our hearts, but we have nothing physical to hold, love, snuggle or chase. As I look through our pictures, I can imagine baby snuggled right in there - there's a perfect spot waiting. Can you see it?!

Here's a glimpse of our family of 4. Praying that next photo session, we'll be sharing with you a family of 5!!!!

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