Monday, August 8, 2011

Out of the Mouths of Babes

God speaks to us in many ways - the Bible, prayer, through others, and so many others. In this case, God spoke to us so cleary, through the mouths of babes - Kahl babes.

During the initial phases of the adoption, we are working through piles of forms and paperwork. Some of that paperwork includes choices: age, gender, potential special needs.

It was a few weeks ago that Aaron and I began our discussions around the gender we should request for our sweet baby. We tossed around varying reasons to make a choice for one gender over the other. We circled round and round- which was the "right" decision for our family??? We were stuck, and couldn't seem to reach a conclusion. I decided it was time to bring the kids in on the decision making. When asking the question, "do you guys think we should have a boy baby or girl baby?" I honestly assumed to hear "boy" from Tyler and "girl" from Miss Kenna.

Wow, was I wrong! Instead, their responses spoke so clearly the intent of God for our family: Makenna responded first, "I don't care if it is a boy OR a girl - I would just love both exactly the same!!!", followed up by Tyler, "I know - I just want to see what God gives us!"

Absolutely - of course! God brought us to this place, in His perfect timing. He holds the answers and the plan. Just as He reminded us through the words of our kids, God knows the perfect gender of our child to mold into our family in the way He intends. We don't need to make a decision on the "right" gender for our family. We can rest in the assurance that God will bring us to the perfect baby intended to be a Kahl!

I am grateful for God's continual nudging reminders that He is in control. And, I am thankful that those nudges even come through the mouths of our babes!

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