Thursday, July 28, 2011

We Have News!!!

No, we are not pregnant. And, no, we are not moving again. We have other exciting news we want to share with you.....

We are adding one more member to our family - through adoption! Our newest family member will join us from Ethiopia, and will be somewhere in the age range of 0-1 year old. The journey to our baby will be a long one, with a massive amount of paperwork, meetings, planning and preparation. It is a journey that started many years ago with a seed that was planted in Aaron's heart at a Steven Curtis Chapman concert.

We created this blog so you can join us on this journey, if you so desire. We acknowledge that we do and will continue to need a great deal of support from our families and friends, as well as, other adoptive families - some that we have not even met yet. We know the road ahead will not be without challenges, but we are so blessed to be traveling this road.

If you are interested in learning more about what led us on this path, or why we chose Ethiopia, please click on the tabs above, detailing more of the story. God has been paving the way for many years.

Some questions you may be wondering:

What age child will we be adopting? Age 0-1 year old

What gender will your baby be? We decided not to choose a preference, and let God decide the gender of the baby that is perfect for our family.

How long until the baby comes home? We are at the very beginning stages of the process. It can be anywhere from 1-2 years until baby comes home, dependent upon completion and processing of paperwork, and other various factors.

What agency are you using? We are going through All God's Children International. They are based out of Oregon. After researching agencies over the past 2 years, we feel that All God's Children is the right decision for our family.
All God's Children International

How do the kids feel about the news? They have been part of the discussions and decisions since day 1. They have both had a passion in their heart for Africa, since our sponsor child, Abdala, came into our lives. They cannot wait to have a new baby brother or sister from Ethiopia!

How long will you have to be in Ethiopia? When the time approaches to bring baby home, we will make 2 different trips, both about 5-7 days in length. Trip 1 will be to meet baby and appear in court. Trip 2 will be to bring baby home! The trips will be 4-7 weeks apart from one another.

Feel free to ask other questions as they arise. We are learning along the way, as well. Though there is much to think about and process through, we know and stand firm in the leading of God in this direction. "Trust in the Lord with all of your heart. Lean not on your own understanding, but in all ways, acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

Will you join us in this journey? We would covet your prayers for our baby, the birth mom, and our family. We would be blessed to have you walking with us!

Sending love from our family to yours!
-The Kahls

1 comment:

  1. Wohoo! Looking forward to meeting my new grand baby. Very excited! Looks like we are going to have to pull out all the baby stuff again. Love, excited grandma
