Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A Puzzle Update - One Month Later

One month ago, we presented the opportunity to be a "Piece to the Puzzle", by sponsoring puzzle pieces for baby's puzzle.

One month later, we are overjoyed to proclaim that we already have a grand total of 409 pieces sponsored!!!

409 pieces in one month = about 102.25/week = about 14.6 pieces/day

409 Sponsored Pieces!

If puzzle sponsorship continues at this pace, the puzzle will be fully sponsored by mid-end of February!!! The puzzle assembly team better pick - up - the -pace!

It brings a huge smile to our faces, when we hear about families and friends coming together with creative ideas for piece sponsorship. Several that have been brought to our attention, include:
  • A middle school girl who chose to sponsor her own piece with her own money
  • A family who gave their kids opportunities to earn money for puzzle pieces by completing optional jobs around the house
  • A group of friends who chose to gift each other with puzzle pieces, instead of material gifts for Christmas this year
We see God's hand at work through sponsorships unexpected, creative puzzle sponsorship, and the sponsorship support of friends close. It is absolutely humbling.

With 409 pieces sponsored, 591 pieces await sponsorship. If you have interest in being a "Piece to the Puzzle", go click HERE, and learn more about how. Each piece sponsored is $10, and your name will go on the piece you sponsored. Baby will have a forever visual of all the people who came together to help bring him/her home!


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