Tuesday, December 6, 2011

More On Ethiopia - Amhara Region

Our agency, All God's Children, provided us with another Ethiopian regional glimpse, that we found intriguing, maybe you will too....

Amhara Region

Much like the Tigray people we learned about a few weeks ago the Amhara people goup can also trace their orgins back to Shem, son of Noah. The Amhara region has been left relatively untouched by the influence of modern society. Farming is still a common profession for those residing within the Amhara region, while fewer choose to honer their roots by contiuing to live a nomadic lifestyle. The father is generally the head of the household in this region while children join in to support their parents in farming or caring for sheep.

There is a rich religious diversity throughout the Amhara region’s history. Emigrating from Eygpt, numerous high officials chose to contiue pursuing their pagans beliefs adopted from Eygptian society. Queen While Sheba converted to Judaism during her reign, which influenced large numbers of the population. Christianity played a role through copic missionaries, while others chose to convert to Islam while sheltering followers of Muhammed. To date however, the primary religion of the Amhara region is Christianity.

Source: People-In-Country Profile for Amhara of Ethiopia, Joshua Project

Debre Berhan Selassie Church

Inside Debre Berhan Selassie

Location: Northern, Northwest part of Ethiopia
Captial: Bahir Dar
President: Ato Ayalew Gobezie
Area: 161,828 square k.m
Topography: 700-4620 meters above sea level
Climate: warm cold and mild
Population: 17,205,000
Working language: Amharic
Distance from Addis Ababa to Bahir Dar: 565 km
Notable Features: Blue Nile source, Debre Berhan Selassie Church (ceiling of angles), The Castles of Emperor Fassil, Rock-hewn Churches of Lalibela (unique in the world), Lake Tana and its island monasteries, Smoke and fire (The Blue Nile Falls), Teff, Nug (Niger seed, Highest Mountain in Ethiopia (Ras Dashen), Semien National Park (domain of the Nyala).

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, Amhara National Regional State

Lush foothills of Eastern Amhara region

Sunset over Lake Tana

It looks beautiful to me. Soon enough, the day will come - and we will find ourselves there. Until then, we absorb, learn and anticipate through these "glimpses" into Ethiopia.....

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