Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Gentle Power of His Love

A baby. A baby born in a manger. A King. A Savior. Emmanuel - God with us.

Read those words again. Let them sink in. They are profound. The gentleness of a baby and the power of the Mighty God - all wrapped into ONE!!! A God so powerful, he sent His son through a virgin. An unimaginable gift!

As we walk toward the celebration of Christmas this week, I cannot help but think about how drawn away I can become from the beauty of this profound gift. As every ad jumps out with more STUFF we want, and every store displays their goods in ways which appeal and entice us for more. During every errand we begin thinking, "I should add that to my list".

And my heart becomes torn as I think of all of the people around the world who do not have the luxury of piling gifts with shiny bows under a tree. Many do not even have the luxury of a meal, and certainly not a special meal. Many are alone, without family, maybe orphaned. Many are living outside without homes. Are they drawn away from the profound gift of Christmas because of their circumstances, as I am in mine???

Think of all the people and life scenarios around this world. Christmas is the celebration of the birth of a baby King who came in love for ALL of these people. A gift of love available to all people, regardless of our social status, our financial situation, or our life circumstances - around the world. A love, unlike any other love we know. A love that is unconditional and saving. THIS IS LOVE!

I feel humbled by His powerful yet gentle sweetness. I walk into this Christmas week praising my King, my Gift!

A baby. A baby born in a manger. A King. A Savior. Emmanuel - God with us. Our Gift.

The Gentle Power of His Love

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