Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Final Home Study Mtg

We completed our final Home Study meeting last night. Within the next couple weeks, we will have a finalized Home Study report, ready to send off!

Last night's topics of focus: processing through our adoption training courses we took, discussing what we learned and what we plan to apply to our lives as an adoptive family. We also discussed what a typical day in the Life of a Kahl looks like. That was a little tougher. Let's be honest - there are not many days that are "typical" around here. The only thing that is "typical" is that there's always a lot movin' and shakin'!

Then, it was time to wish our case manager farewell. I was a little bummed to say goodbye! She was a joy and blessing in our journey.

You may be asking, what's next?! We have an initial payment that we need to submit, along with our paperwork. When that is submitted, we will begin our work on the Dossier - which is rumored to be long and tedious as well.

But even before the Dossier....we are having a HUGE GARAGE SALE! Stay tuned for upcoming news about the garage sale, happening early September (yikes - it is the first day of September tomorrow)!

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