Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Turns Out....

Turns out - I haven't been so great at keeping the updates flowing.....

Word is -  Life can be expected to encounter challenges and unexpected twists in the road.  We have found ourselves distracted in life's unexpected's over the past few months.

Truth remains - God remains victorious!  We know who goes before us, we know who stands behind.  He is faithful....always and forever!!!

That being said - I apologize to all of you who have been hanging out there and waiting for adoption updates!  We appreciate so many of you who have been checking in on us!

The latest and greatest adoption news....
To be honest, there is not too much adoption news to share.  At this current point in time, there are two things that are taking place:

1.  All God's Children (our agency) has submitted paperwork to the Ugandan government to become accredited in Uganda.  This step was recommended to AGCI a couple months ago, as a boost to their standing with the Ugandan government as they move through adoptions.  The paperwork is processing with Ugandan officials at this point in time for the accreditation to be complete.

2.  Simultaneously, the children's home in which AGCI is partnering with, is going through the process of assembling the necessary paperwork needed for the children to move forward in the international adoption process.  This includes ensuring, first, that the children's families or people from the area, are not able to receive them into their homes.  Keeping the children's best interests in mind - is always at the forefront of their priorities.  Given, that all of of these steps are taking place in Uganda - there is much that is culturally different about how they move forward in these processes.  Timing is often much different than we, as Americans, envision it should be.  Communication response is often much slower - for many various reasons.

Though there is much going on behind the scenes, they are all steps that are out of our control.  In addition to out of our control, they are also out of understanding as to timing and processing.  Thus, we continue to patiently wait, with the assurance that God's timing is perfect for all involved.  In that, we do not doubt.

Your support remains so precious to us!  I apologize again, that you have been hanging out there - without updates!  Life distractions are distracting!  :)

Your continued prayers for our family and "Uggie" (that is what we call our new family member - referencing Uganda), are cherished!

I leave you with this new song by Chris Tomlin.  It speaks so deeply to my soul in our family's current leg of our life adventure.  We couldn't walk it without Him.....

"As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the Lord is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him."  Psalm 18:30

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