Saturday, July 21, 2012

A Tough Topic: Realities of Trafficking

I have been desiring to write on this topic for many months, but want to communicate it well - so I have sat on it.  The topic is hard, challenging, saddening, disgusting. 

It is real.  It breaks my heart.
The topic is:  Child Trafficking

Many of you are aware that trafficking is a big deal in our world today.  Because of it's magnitude, it has received increased media coverage over the past year.  You may have seen articles such as these:

USA TODAY:  Foreign Adoptions by Americans Plunge Again
Star Tribune:  Minnesota Parents Find New World When Adopting Overseas

Child trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of children for the purpose of exploitation. It is a violation of their rights, their well-being and denies them the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Trafficking is happening all around us.  Sadly, the international adoption market is a prime opportunity for traffickers to take advantage.  It pains me.

Statistically there are over 147 million orphans around the world.  These children are without families to protect them and nurture them.  Beyond the 147 million orphans, there are millions of people around our world that live in extreme poverty and hopelessness.  These people are vulnerable and many are fragile.  For some, this makes them a target. 

Traffickers prey on the opportunity to take advantage of the weak and weary, the parentless, and the poor.  Traffickers lure them away from their homes, promising rewards and riches to them and their families.  But ultimately, these rewards and riches never find their way to the families - they are pocketed by the trafficker for personal benefit.  A person is sold - and lives are forever changed, unknowing of the repercussions in advance.  A family member.  A daughter or a son - sold.

The Problem for Adoption
As you can imagine, this increase in trafficking has created significant challenges for the international adoption world.   The issue of trafficking has caused Governments and agencies to launch significant investigations and increase the paperwork and hoops.   Though an increase in paperwork and red tape is frustrating, the need to ensure children are legitimately adoptable is crucial. 

It angers me to know that these people with evil hearts, are hindering the well being of millions of vulnerable children and individuals around the world.  Their overwhelming selfishness is impacting the ability for well-meaning families to provide loving families to those who truly NEED them. 

The Truth
The truth remains that there still remain over 147 million orphans in the world.  These children still deserve forever families, loving homes, a family to call their own.  Not ALL children are being trafficked, only some.  Millions of children have come into the system because of true need, and through legitimate journeys.  They still deserve love and nurture.  A balance is needed.  Children need families, but those involved in illegal "transactions" need to stop.  God's message has not changed: 

"27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." - James 1:27

What Does This Mean For Us
We stay the course knowing that God has every intent of utilizing our family to provide a loving home for a child without one, one of 147 million in real need.  Our direction is clear.  We KNOW that we need to be well informed, well educated, and on top of the process of our agency from start to finish.  We ask many questions.  We do these things coupled with a great deal of prayer for the journey of our child.  It is important for us (and others who adopt) to truly understand the path to which the child became adoptable, knowing their personal journey is not in question.  It is important for us to remain patient in the increased process, knowing that trafficking is real and it needs attention.  We will advocate for the protection children - both through adoption of those truly in need of families and through discussion and education of the challenges some face with trafficking.  These children need the help of others - we will not back away.

Our Agency
We carefully chose our agency for these very reasons.  We are fully confident in All God's Children, International, and process in which they operate.  Missionally, God coupled with children and their needs come first, always.  This means they work hard for each and every child that is brought into their care.  AGCI goes through an extensive process for each child, which includes:  First, trying to reunite the child(ren) with their birth families, if that is not an option - next, trying to unite the child with a family member or person from their village or area/country of birth - finally, if none of these are options for the child(ren), they become eligible for adoption. 

This extensive process allows our agency the opportunity to know where the children come from, and ensure that their journey to adoption is legitimate and in their best interest for the individual child's situation. 

It seems that with everything that begins for good by people with good hearts, evil follows closely behind with an attempt to overshadow the good with dark gloom.  This battle is real.  Ultimately, God's goodness is triumphant.  Knowing His heart for our family, we forge ahead encouraged by truth, absorbed with education, and grounded in faith and prayer.

33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”  - John 16:33

We know this topic is HOT and challenging to process.  If you have questions, please bring them forward.  We welcome your questions.  As always, we are so grateful of your love and support.

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