Saturday, June 16, 2012

A Turn of Events - Another Long Update

It has been a significantly emotional two weeks.....

Two Fridays ago, while in Hawaii (see story of Hawaii here), we received an email from our agency that shook everything up.  In the past, we have received similar emails.  The emails introduce pilot programs through the agency.  Several months ago they introduced Ghana, then recently Haiti.  Previously when receiving these introductions, we received them with excitement for others to have an opportunity to be led toward adoption in these nations.

The email announcment two Fridays ago was different.  It was the same, but to us - it was different.  The announcement was released for a third pilot in the same format as all the others.  But on our end, it was not received the same.  This time we were immediately and intensely stirred.

The pilot released  - Uganda!  For those of you who have followed our journey, Uganda is where God first seeded my heart for adoption.  Uganda is the place where God deepened my understanding of His Hope, and where He reminded me that we are not responsible to determine how to move mountains or solve crisis on our own - because He is God and He can work all these things together when we allow ourselves to be utilized by Him, as He desires.  If interested, you can read more about it, here: Our Story.

Our final two days in Hawaii were emotional.  We received the email at the end of Friday's business day leaving no opportunity to investigate further with our agency.  With no knowledge of how a pilot program worked, our questions would have to wait until Monday.  Many of our questions were likely the same as yours right now.  In my heart and my mind, I believed there would be NO WAY that they would accept us to the pilot. We DID know, however, that God brought this to us so unexpectedly and with a gusto of internally stirring and moving of the spirit.  So we prayed.  We asked our family to pray.  And we waited for Monday.

On Monday, we began with our questions (this will give you a background on a pilot program):

Q:  What is a pilot program more specifically?
A:  A pilot program is the agency's introduction of a new country program that the agency would like to offer for adoption.  However, the relationships and process for that country are new and in the growth stages for the agency.  Thus, the agency first offers a new country program to a very small group of adopting individuals who work together with AGCI as they iron out process defiition.  The pilot process may have a few bumps in the road, as the process irons out, and flexbility is key.

Q:  How does the agency choose families to be a part of the pilot program?
A:  Families must fall into the defined specifications and requirements of the country.  If they do, any family can be considered.  Pilot accpetance is first come first serve.

Q:  How many families will be accpeted into the pilot program?
A:  The agency will accept 3 families for the 0-3 age category and 7 families for the 0-5 age category. 

Q:  If we were to become a pilot family, how would that work?
A:  To become a pilot family from another program, you have to first leave the program you are processing through.  In addition, the Dossier we need to be redone, as each Dossier is country specific and an Ethiopian Dossier cannot be utilized in Uganda.  Ethiopian adoption would no longer be pursued, only Ugandan.

Q:  What does the referral timeline look like for the pilot?
A:  Receiving a referral can range anywhere from 4/6 months - 18 months.

Now that we had some answers - emotions intensified.  Uganda became a valid, real option.  We processed and prayed - prayed and processed.  I am going to be honest with you, much of our processing revolved around fear:  fears of the unknown, fears of the change in timeline, fears of an age adjustment.  And we processed through some thoughts of sadness:  our family has begun emotionally bonding with Ethiopia, and the families associated with Ethiopian adoption. 

God made His direction clear and known as we prayed through the week.  Fear is not from God - fear is a human response, and feelings are not intended to drive our responses.  As I have said and reminded myself so many times, and will continue to do so -  His direction is often not in our small view of the picture, or our little box of understanding. 

God revealed Himself to us in many ways.  Two profound instances were through others.  The message is trust and obedience:

1.  One of my mother-in-law's devotionals during our week of praying, was one that she knew was intended for us to receive that week.  The following was taken from the devotional Jesus Calling, on June 10: 
 "Rest in me, my child. Give your mind a break from planning and trying to anticipate what will happen. Pray continually, asking My Spirit to take charge of the details of this day. Remember that you are on a journey with Me. When you try to peer Into the future and plan for every possibility, you ignore your constant Companion who sustains you moment by moment. As you gaze anxiously into the distance, you don't feel the strong grip of My hand holding yours. How foolish you are, My child.

Remembrance of Me is a daily discipline. Never lose sight of My Presence with you. This will keep you resting in Me all day, every day.  Pray continually. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. Psalm 62:5"

2.  The other from a good friend:
I will obey your decrees. Please don't give up on me!  Psalm 119:8

It became very clear that God orchestrated perfectly, and brought it before us in His perfect timing.  God started the story of Uganda in our lives, several years ago.  At the beginning of our adoption process, the requirements for Ugandan adoption were not feasible for our family.  Our family's heart for Uganda never diminished.

On Sunday, June 10, we stepped out in faith and finally 'pulled the trigger'.  We submitted our names for the Uganda pilot.  This week we received word from our agency - it's a 'go'. 

We are adopting from Uganda!  The age of the child will be 0-3.  The timeline.....well, it could be soon or it could be 18 months.  We are working through some mental adjustments in timeline again.  We had adjusted our thinking to 2-3 years with the Ethiopia program.  But now, there is the possibility that it could be in 2012.  Can I say, 'woah'?!

We will redo our Dossier paperwork.  That process will take us 2-3 months, and then we will go on "the list" for Uganda. 

Admidst some fear of change and varying ranges of emotions, we move forward with the assurance that God has intentionally brought us here, in this way.  We are excited!  God has plans for each of our lives.  The journey becomes unimaginable as we strive to be less about ourselves and more about God.

We know you may have questions.  If you would like to understand more, we welcome your questions - via blog comments, Facebook messages, email or a call on the phone.

We are so blessed by your continued support and prayers.  God has gifted us with you!!!
The Kahls are 'Holding Tight - on the ride of our lives'!!! 

A couple pictures of the sweet Ugandan children from my trip in 2008


  1. I don't think I could hit like on facebook enough. I am so pumped for you and LOVE Uganda and the kids there.
