Monday, May 14, 2012


Mothering.  It is the one thing that I have ALWAYS known I desired for my life - that I feel created to do.  Since I was a little girl, I dreamt about becoming a mom - I played house the very most.  As I dreamt about what I wanted to do with my life, becoming a mom was #1. 

And now I'm here.  Mothering.  I could have never imagined that it would be the most challenging job of my life.  Sleepless nights, heartaches, tears, tantrums, challenging choices, and daily sending them out into a world that is not always kind.  I know that many of these things will only become more challenging as the years go on.  No one told me that parenting was the most challenging job I would ever have!

A challenging job - in which I feel honored.  Knowing that God has entrusted me to love, nurture, and teach my children is an honor - a humbling honor.  Each day, I am amazed with their hearts, their love, their desire to grow and know more.  They care for others and the greater world, they are passionate and make me laugh!!!  Each day I watch them learn about the world around them, and grow to understand the One who Created it in a deeper way.  I am amazed, in awe, blessed.  God has gifted me with this role, and it is not to be taken lightly.  He has entrusted me with His precious children to love, nurture and teach.  I ADORE THEM!!! 

One day all too soon, I will send them off on their own - and I pray that my time with them will have prepared and equiped them with the tools to navigate the world as God would direct.  There is much so them to know, to learn, the be cautious of.  Though often so challenging to process through, I know I don't go it alone.  God does not ask me to navigate this challenge on my own - He is the ultimate Father, parent, and giver of life.  I am thankful for His leadership as the ultimate parent - truly, I don't know where I'd be without it.

Yesterday, on Mother's day, as we were celebrating me as a mom, I was the one celebrating - that I get to BE ME!  I was struck with an overwhelming sense of one thing - I am SO BLESSED by the gift of mothering!

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