Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Hurry Up and Wait - Hurry Up and Wait.....and on and on and on

Most people who know me, know that I am not much of a patient person. I like things to happen fast, and reach completion quickly.

God has big plans to grow my patience in this adoption journey! Already at this point in the process, I faced with working through my personal challenges of patience. There is a vicious cycle of hurry hurry hurry, followed by a significant amount of wait wait wait. Then, repeat the cycle again!

We are on repeat #1 having once again reached a phase of hurry hurry hurry. Deadlines deadlines deadlines. Enough notarizations to give a notary their life quota of stamping and signing. Enough background and government requests to feel as though we have access to every department within the government. And enough detail tracking to make me start to twitch!

We are now proud owners of a large 2 inch 3-ring binder just to define the requirements and rules for each piece of paperwork in this phase of the process. After an hour conference call to walk us through the "how-to's" of the Master Planner, I have actually moved beyond fear of the binder, and have grown to appreciate its presence in the process.

All the while, I feel an increasing yearning to get to our baby!!!

As God grows my patience, I will embrace this growth lesson as we:

  • Hurry hurry hurry - get it all submitted to the appropriate departments and government officials.

  • Wait wait wait - for them to review, process and respond.

  • Hurry hurry hurry - submit to the agency by the deadline.

  • Wait wait wait - for them to process and review.

  • Hurry hurry hurry - make the changes need to meet the requirements.

  • Wait wait wait - while they AGAIN process and review.

"Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience" - Colossians 3:12

Today, I choose to honor God's desire for me, as I clothe myself, not only with compassion, kindness, humilty and gentleness - but also with patience. I choose to be clothed in patience...with the help of God!

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