Monday, August 15, 2011

Home Study Mtg #1

It was with anxious anticipation that we waited for our Home Study Case Manager to arrive at our home last week, for Home Study Meeting #1. Our minds were swirling with curiosity (and honestly nervousness) on how she would evaluate us, our home, and our lives.

But, upon her arrival, the barriers of anxiety were quickly broken down. She is fun! We had such a good time! Yes, she was evaluating our life, and who we are as a couple and family - but it was in no way intimidating or scary. We shared in many laughs together during our time.

So, what did Mtg #1 look like???
Individual Interviews of Aaron and I. Each interview examined our childhood, including our relationships with our parents and siblings. We discussed our growing up - things we did with our families for fun, childhood interests and activities. Processing through these topics has brought an opportunity for great self reflection and evaluation. And finally, she did a casual walk through of our home - to verify that there was space to add 1 more.

The information she gathered during our meeting, and will gather during meetings 2&3, will be complied to become of formalized Home Study report. That report will be used in matching us with a child that "fits" with our family "DNA". In the meantime, we are responsible for compiling financial information, getting fingerprinted, and developing a floor plan of our home. Meeting #2, is scheduled for next week. And, if we can complete our pieces - Home Study could be complete by early-mid September. WOW.

Turns out, our Home Study case manager isn't scary at all - she is a partner, building into us during this process - I feel as though she could become our friend, part of our support in this adoption. We are being richly blessed, as God surrounds with His people, for this time and this journey.

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