Friday, August 19, 2011

Crisis in Eastern Africa

My heart is breaking for the people of Eastern Africa, one of these countries now being Ethiopia. Have you read the headlines recently? They read: FAMINE. DROUGHT. CRISIS. DESPERATION. DEATH.

In a part of world that already suffered with poverty and hunger, this drought is more than they can handle. It is anticipated that hundreds of thousands of people, many being children, will die from this crisis.

As Americans, Africa can often seem to be a world away - in distance and culture. We often see pictures in the news, and easily think of the people and the crisis as if it is not real. We are removed Their culture is so different from ours, it falls outside our box of understanding. Somehow in all of that, I wonder if we get to a place where we can distance ourselves to the point in which African people and crisis is not even "real" in our minds.
However, I can testify to the just the opposite. While in Uganda, I learned that these people feel the sames joys and pains that we feel. And with each death and heartache they face, they go through the same pain and agony that we do. They share the same desires to be able to feed and nurture their children. And beyond that, when there is joy - they laugh and dance and celebrate - just like us!

Africa is more than the pictures of crisis we watch on TV and read in the paper. Africa is full of real people, just like us. And these people are currently in a food CRISIS.

How can we help with a famine that seems so distant? Here are a few ways we can get involved:

Pray: These people need prayer. Will you join me in praying for them? Their children? For their hearts to be touched and comforted by God?

Pack Food: You can go spend a couple hours to a food pack nutritional food packets that are being sent to the countries. It is fun, and you can do it as a family. There are several organizations that have added additional packing hours to their schedules in order to pack as much food as possible for the African people:
Feed My Starving Children:
Kids Against Hunger:

Make a Donation: Donate to help humanitarian aid organizations that have hands and feed in the areas, and are mobilizing people to help the Horn of Africa in this crisis
World Vision:
Compassion International:

My sense of urgency to bring our baby home, has only intensified. One less child, will have to struggle and suffer this way.

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